Sunday, April 18, 2010

Assignment 14

I read the article entitled, "Open Mind" by Kate Hafner. The article talked about how technology and education have changed the type of students teachers have. The article focused more on Yale University and how classes are now available to the public. Many independent learners have excelled and gained insight into an ivy league school that they would have never had the means to be given the opportunity to go . Bill Gates has even listened to a class or two and gained insight into subject matter, which he felt was a helpful tool. So helpful in fact, he donated 8 million towards the cause. The article also borrows itself to the argument whether those barriers should be broken. Some feel that because they have put forth the effort in the classes, they deserve the credit (grade), while others strongly disagree. I feel that the information that is taught within the classroom are valuable tools that can benefit many people for years to come and it's pointless to waste taped lectures on students that are unwilling to go to class, I think that by sharing the information it helps expand peoples minds that might have the ability and the drive to do the course work but lack the means to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the more information open to the public the better. However is this going to cause tuition to decrease at Ivy League colleges ( I guess that depends on if they begin to give credit to those that listen online). However, as someone who could never afford Yale or Harvard, I am happy to see that their lectures are online in case I have a spare moment to enhance my mind :). I think that as online resources are becoming more and more available, more rules and guideline will have to be put in place from the standpoint of the University.
