Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assignment 13

For class we are required to make an entry that includes the features of excel, powerpoint, and word.
Word- is a great resource that has several features on it to not only allow students to write papers, but it also has features that allows someone to edit the paper using word ballons, hightlighters, and sticky notes that allow the editor to offer feedback
Excel-I don't use office excel as much as word or powerpoint. When I took accounting class however, I became very familuar with it. It offers conditional formatting, has different cell sizes, and allows the opportunity to create one's own table
Powerpoint-Is a pretty handy program to have. I used it a considerable amount this year when I gave math presentations. It's a program that essentially allows one the opportunity to create "slides" that move based on the operators choice. The program has an option where you can have each slide the same formatting/ same background. It also has the option of putting links to websites, sound (from one's Itunes library), and many other awesome easy to use features.
Three different projects:
Word: As a class assignment, you could have students review a paper by using the editing tools. That way not only will they be getting familiar with the system, they will also learn how to edit more proficiently.
Excel: As a class assignment, you could have students graph information that they receive through a math problem. They could create their own table, or use the pre made table that is available
PowerPoint-As a class assignment you could have students create their own PowerPoint, with their own background and music. You could give them a theme such as "underwater creatures" or "different habitats."

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