Monday, March 1, 2010

Reflection 5

A couple of years ago I went to a friend's birthday party. While there, many of the people seemed uncomfortable. Some decided to fixate their eyes on the TV screen, while others pulled out their cells phones. After about ten minutes of silence, people started pulling out their computers. Through the use of their computers, some of the people starting skyping! I was shocked and appalled by the lack of consideration paid to those that actually wanted face-to-face interaction.
So what?
Why am I bringing this story up? Well, as a society, I feel that we have replaced the most crucial form of communication to a less sophisticated manner of communication. Some would disagree. I feel we have relied so heavily on computers and technology that we have neglected social responsibility. Often times, family and friends suffer the most. Wait, that doesn't make sense! Those are the people I am in constant communication with, how can it be crippling those relationships? I can almost guarantee for every Facebook, Myspace, text, or twitter one has responded to, there is a person that is being neglected that is in the same room or in close proximity. I can recall several occasions where I am at my house, texting, while my one of my family members is close by.
Now what?
I think as a society, we need to clue into the people around us. Instead of texting a friend that we will be seeing in five minutes, get to know the people in the same room as you. People are lonely and need to be reached out to. Why else would we be addicted to Facebook?

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